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Puppy proofing your Home

American Molossus Puppy proofing your Home

1. Clear your floors of everything except specific puppy toys

2.Remove children toys and valuable items from your puppies reach

3. Remove plants real or artificial

4. Remove or lock away all house hold items that could be toxic or harmful such as cleaning supplies, pesticides or medicines

5. Block stairways and rooms the puppy is not allowed in

6. Cover or secure loose electrical cords as well as cover electrical outlets

7. Remove trash cans or acquire large covered cans

8. block any fireplace

9. Block gaps on balconies or railings

10. Keep the toilet lids closed

11. Have all food out of reach from your puppy

12. Remove or raise any drapes, curtains or blinds

13. Raise or remove any vermin traps or ant baits

14. Check your back yard for holes, loose boards, weak spots, exposed nails or screws or anything else that will allow your pup to escape or get an injury

15. If you have a pool or jacuzzi be sure to have it gated off securely or covered correctly

16. Be sure to remove any plants, trees or shrubs that can be poisonous to your puppy.17. If your puppy is out doors, be sure they have access to fresh water and shade or warmth in extreme climates

Marcus E Curtis

Realtor, Dog breeder and Author

Owner and Founder of The American Molossus/ Old World Molossus

Owner and Founder of Victorian Depot

Author of Dog Breeding Secrets

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Breeding since 1999 Old World Molossus

Old World Sasquatch 


7 months old

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