Breeder of the biggest puppy in the world Old World Euphrates and 3 time Champion in 3 different registries CH Old World Sasquatch
5000 years BC, at a time much different than ours, it was a time where only the strong survived. A time where people were nomadic, barbaric and when they wanted land, riches, steel and even people they would just take it. A dark time and a time where people needed to have defense. They needed something that would protect the women and children left behind while men were hunting or at war. They needed comfort and peace of mind. They needed The Molossus.
The American Molossus is the resurrected ancient guardian of antiquity. This giant close quarter guardian was brought back using the true descendants of the ancient breed. The historical close quarter guardian was created and bred by Man as far back as 5000 BC in Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia, during the Kassites 1531BC-1135BC, Ancient Greece where the reference name "Nasaru Urbat" translated to Guard Dog of Death was changed to the Molossus and was used to protect the villages, people, children and other animals from predators and enemies. This huge guardian was bred to deter and guard. Unlike other dogs used for hunting or travel this dog was strictly for close quarter guarding as documented. They are referenced down to the ancient cropping of the large toes. This would certainly indicate the need for the dog to stay close.
These giant guard dogs were huge with thick, massive, powerful bodies with loose skin around the head and neck for protection. These dogs were thick and massive not to be confused with the Jennings dog or the Laconian Hound of Greece. They were black brindle in color to be difficult to see at night and very intimidating in the day. Their ears were cropped to minimize engagement weakness and to improve hearing for guarding purposes.. Perhaps the best guarding dog in all of history by its long reign. This close quarter guardian was used throughout history the Sumerians, Babylonians, Mesopotamians, Assyrians, Kassites, ancient Greeks where they took on the name of the Molossus and then crossed bred and changed during the Roman rise 753 BC-476 AD.
The ancient Molossus that was once the king of Guard dogs was cross bred to many other dogs over the centuries creating the Mastiff by crossing with a white shepherd dog during alexander the Greats rein from 333-323 BC and The Roman Colosseum dog known now as the Neapolitan Mastiff by crossing with a smaller fighting dog. Other crossings were done over the years creating many known breeds. This is where the term Molosser breeds come from as they are the descendants of the Molossus. The truest dogs in size and appearance were the Mastiff and Neapolitan Mastiffs and these were used to bring back the giant close quarter guardian. People for thousands of years needed a loyal giant guardian that would protect them, their home, children and animals but wouldn’t wander. They still do. This dog was needed and today this dog is back. I present to you, The American Molossus

The American Molossus is a guard dog
A guard dog or watch dog (not to be confused with the attack dog) is a dog used to guard against, and watch for unwanted or unexpected people or animals. The dog is discriminating so that it does not annoy or attack familiar people.

Featured video on The American Molossus by Dogumentary TV

Featured video on The American Molossus by 818 Concepts

Above is the ancient Mastiff breeds geneology chart
Note The Ancient Molossus of Mesopotamia
which is the resurrected breed The American Molossus See in the center next to the large arrow

The dog (Sumerian name, ur-gi; Semitic name, Kalbu) was one of the earliest domestic animals and served primarily to protect herds and dwellings against enemies. Despite the fact that dogs roamed freely in the cities, the dog in the ancient Orient was at all times generally bound to a single master and was cared for by him. Of course, the dog was also a carrion eater, and in the villages it provided the same service as hyenas and jackals. As far as we can tell, there were only two main breeds of dog: large greyhounds which were used primarily in hunting, and very strong dogs (on the order of Danes and mastiffs)/ Molossus, which in the ancient Orient were more than a match for the generally smaller wolves and, for that reason, were especially suitable as herd dogs. The sources distinguish numerous sub-breeds, but we can only partially identify these. The dog was often the companion of gods of therapeutics. Although the expression `vicious dog' occurred, `dog' as a derogatory term was little used
-(Historian) Wolfram Von Soden

American Molossus pups Born 6-2-2017

In ancient Egypt, black (kem) was a symbol of death and of the night.

Featured video on The American Molossus by BullyBadAssTV

Ancient Sumarian clay tablet of ancient Molossus
The American Molossus is a true guard dog not an attack guard. A loving, loyal giant breed that will love guard and protect his family, home and other animals.

American Molossus pup at just 2 weeks

The 1st ever American Molossus
puppies just born
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The 1st ever American Molossus
puppies at just 4 weeks 7-2-2017
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The 1st ever American Molossus
Old World Sasquatch at just 3 weeks 6-23-2017
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The 1st ever American Molossus
puppies at just 7 weeks 7-21-2017
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The 1st ever American Molossus
puppies at just 6 weeks 7-14-2017
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The 1st ever American Molossus
puppies at just 7 weeks 7-21-2017
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American Molossus
Old World Euphrates
22 months
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American Molossus
Old World Zeba at 22 Months
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American Molossus
CH Old World Sasquatch
22 Months
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American Molossus
Old World Sheba
at the 2019 Bark In the Park
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Molossus Print:
This mud-brick was stamped with the name and titles of the Neo-Sumerian king Ur-nammu (reigned 2047-2030 BCE, short chronology). Note the dog's paw print; this "footprint" might well have been "stamped" accidentally during the formation/dryness of the brick. From The ziggurat of Ur, Ur city, southern Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The British Museum, London)
More history about the Ancient Molossus can be viewed by clicking the above links
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